Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Astrological Forecast.

Special Fire Edition because California is burning:

You are stubborn and have a bad temper. Not everyone agrees that force is the best way to accomplish things, but most people admire and are grateful for your long as you take the time to educate yourself in whatever it is you are going on a rampage about. Wear red and orange. You are one of the best signs in the Zodiac when you are self-fulfilled and confident, definitely the strongest. Consider leading some type of revolutionary movement, whether in haircare or immigration reform, whatever you care most about and think will help others. Our generation needs more aggressive INTELLIGENT Aries. For the remainder of the year: Have you ever thought about hunting? What about origami? Try to conquer a new hobby that uses a part of your brain you never used before. If you are an artisitc Aries, think about subscribing to the Wall Street Journal and reading it. If you are a business minded Aries, pick up a Juxtapoz or Martha Stewart Living. Do you like to garden? Try Lowrider mag and learn all about chrome.

If Leo was an animal, it really should be a hybrid peacock lion. Leos are certainly good looking and the best ones are vain and arrogant. Always have a few Leo's at your parties. 1 will feel restless because it is like trying to light a match in a vacuum packed room; 2 might get into a shouting match to compete for the most attention; but 3 or more makes sure that there is enough drama and fun to go around. Buy them jewelry or something to appeal to their physical beauty. Leo's are a bright addition to any social circle and even though their need for attention can get a little annoying, they are loyal and affectionate gatitos. For the remainder of the year: take a look at what you have accomplished. Are you satisfied? You should be. Leos have a tendency to fall into self berating fits but are often times the envy of their friends. The rest of this year needs to be about relaxing and preserving your energy to make you less susceptible to mal de ojo. Stay in at least one weekend a month to zone out in front of a lake and indulge in anti-aging treatments. You can work yourself to death again next Janaury.

Crazy. All of them. Most are sweet, intelligent, and really good at making other people cry. Definitely a fighter and usually finds a way to maintain a positive outlook in bad circumstances. I have never met a Sagittarius that thinks they are destined for anything less than what they want. It is a solid innate confidence and their optimistic outlook is contagious. The best way to describe Sagittarius is well-rounded - they seem to have absorbed a bit of every Zodiac trait and can smartly adapt to all sorts of different people and situations. For the remainder of the year: focus on the next year and what you want your future to look like. Write up a little plan of things that need to be accomplished. If the Zodiac gave out vacations, the past couple years have been yours and next year it is back to work. everything you want will start happening for you but you need a plan or you will get overwhelmed with choices. Your decisive nature is going to be put to good use, so you have to know what you are trying to achieve in order to make all decision to that ultimate goal.

Like the other fire signs, their complications are pretty upfront - no peek-a-boo psychos here, it's all in your face. Fires don't usually apologize for their flaws and are good at finding a way to blame you for not being able to handle them. Their fantastic "take it or leave it" philosophy makes it easy to form strong and honest relationships, something Water signs should take note of.

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